In Red and Yellow classes we have been very excited to meet our new friends. We have new children joining us from Blue and Green class as well as from home. We are learning where everything is in our classrooms as well as exploring our exciting outdoor environment.

Our topic this half term is ‘All About Me’ so we will be learning lots about each other. We will be finding out what we all like to do and who is in our family. It would be great if you could bring in some photos of your family for the children to share with the class (we can copy your originals or print them for you).

Our core story is ‘Hug’; an emotional story about a little chimpanzee who is looking all over the jungle for his mummy. He meets some very friendly animals along the way. We will be talking lots about how special our family is to us.

We will be starting library soon. You can change your child’s book when you drop them on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Don’t forget we play outside everyday so remember to bring your child wearing clothes appropriate for the weather.