In Red and Yellow Class we are moving on to our new topic ‘Once Upon a Time’. Through this we will celebrate the art of storytelling. The children will explore a range of stories from different cultures, experience many traditional tales and listen to stories in different languages. We will be inviting story tellers to come in to nursery, we would also welcome any parents to come and share a story that is special to your family.

Our core story this half term is ‘The Elves and the Shoe Maker’ and as part of an introduction to this story James from Timpson came to visit us. He showed us how they repair shoes. We helped to fix a pair of shoes and then we polished them so they looked very shiny. On Monday 16th January the children will be visiting Timpson at Morrisons. Red class will be visiting in the morning and Yellow class will be visiting in the afternoon and we would appreciate parents to come and help us.

The children have been helping to set up a shoe shop where we measure our feet, take orders, sell shoes and repair damaged shoes.

On Tuesday 24th January James (an artist from Responsible Fishing) is coming to work with us outside again. He inspires both staff and children to use nature to create moveable pieces of art. This was very popular when he came in October and parents are welcome to join us throughout the day.

On Wednesday 15th February we will be inviting you all to join us for ‘Sharing Songs’. More information about this will follow soon.