Attendance – on time every day

One of the best things you can do for your children is to make sure they attend nursery on time every day.

Why attendance is important

Coming to nursery every day is important because:

  • Your child will learn more and do better throughout their education.
  • Your child will feel happier about coming to nursery if they come every day.
  • Your child will develop good habits around attendance that will stay with them when they start school.

If your child is unwell…

Your child should come to nursery every day unless they are unwell.

If your child is unwell, you must ring nursery on 01274 543282 before 9.00am (morning children) or 1.00pm (afternoon children) to let us know that your child is absent.

If your child has sickness or diarrhoea, they must stay away from school until 48 hours after the symptoms disappear.


Holidays should be taken during school holidays if possible. If you have to take holiday during term time, you must fill in an Application for Absence form, which will be signed by the headteacher. Absence for up to two weeks family holiday is usually authorised. Four weeks absence can be authorised in exceptional circumstances, for example in the case of extended visits abroad. If the child does not return after four weeks absence his/her name will be removed from the register and the place allocated to someone else.


We monitor children’s attendance carefully, and always get in touch with parents if a child is absent. Your child’s attendance record will be looked at during Better Together meetings.

Bad Weather

We very rarely close due to bad weather and do all we can to stay open. If we are closed because of snow or ice, the closure will be listed on Bradford Schools Online. Information will also be available on Radio Leeds 92.4 FM, Pulse 102.5 FM and Radio Sunrise 103.2 FM. If we have to close early, we will ring or text all parents and make sure all children are collected before closing.

Bringing and Collecting your Child

Please keep to the times you have agreed with the staff. The routines which staff plan for children to arrive and leave are important for their safety and help the children to feel secure. All persons bringing and collecting children must be 16 years of age or over. Please tell a member of staff beforehand if someone different will be collecting your child.


Regular attendance in nursery is just as important as good attendance at school.