Bradford Nursery Schools Affordable Open Evenings Offer
Dates: Thursday 9th June 2022
Time: 4:00-5:30pm
Venue: St Edmund’s Nursery School & Children’s Centre, Girlington, Bradford.
Cost: £10per visit per person
St Edmund’s Nursery School is a purpose built centre in Girlington, Bradford, for children aged 0 to 5 years and their families. We are a designated Early Years Enhanced Specialist Provision, offering places for children with Special Educational Needs, who enjoy a fully integrated and inclusive model of outstanding nursery school education. We offer extended provision, all year round, between the hours of 7.45am and 5.45pm and a range of services for children and families from our diverse community. www.stedmundsbradford.org.uk Contact details: 01274 543282 office@stedmundsbradford.org.uk