St Edmund’s Nursery School and Children’s Centre is a purpose built centre in Girlington, Bradford, for children aged 0 to 5 years and their families. We provide high quality nursery school education, extended provision between the hours of 7.45am and 5.45pm and a range of services for children, families and the community.

At St Edmund’s Nursery School and Children’s Centre we work in partnership with families to provide the best possible start for all our children.

We are a safe, happy and creative school where excellent early education and care are our highest priorities. We are proud to be a school but feel we are a school with a difference.

We are inclusive in all that we do and place upmost importance on listening to and respecting one another. We strive to make a real difference to the children and families of Bradford and aim to enable and support you and your child to achieve all that you can.

We use real, exciting, interesting experiences both indoors and outdoors, to inspire the awe and wonder that young children have such capacity for. We allow children to delight in discovering and experiencing the world around them which we hope will develop into a lifelong love of learning.

We celebrate bilingualism and enjoy being at the heart of a diverse community whose languages and cultures play a big part in Nursery life. We are a Local Authority Centre of Good Practice for New Arrivals.

We have high expectations of our children and through nurturing their confidence and self-belief we encourage them to have high expectations of themselves.

At St Edmund’s Nursery School & Children’s Centre we want our children to be happy, play, take risks, make friends, make mistakes, grow, learn, and have fun!


  • To provide a warm, secure and welcoming environment.
  • To value all children and parents.
  • To provide high quality education and care.
  • To provide a broad, balanced and well planned curriculum.
  • To engage and inspire all children through valuing their interests and setting high expectations.
  • To develop a culture of lifelong learning for all.
  • To ensure equality through promoting inclusive practices.
  • To work with families and other agencies to provide the best possible start for children.
  • To continually monitor and evaluate our work.


We opened the doors of our new building in the autumn of 2006. The original St Edmund’s Nursery School occupied the building erected by the congregation and Sunday School of Brownroyd Mission Church, Bingley Street in affectionate remembrance of HW Newport who for many years took an active part in the work of the church. The memorial stone was laid on 24th October 1874. The Nursery School has provided high quality nursery education for many years which is an excellent foundation for our future work.

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