St Edmund’s Nursery School is one of four Early Years Enhanced Specialist Provision (EYESP) Hubs in Bradford. We offer a number of places for children with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND) which are allocated by the Local Authority. The SEND team at St Edmund’s consists of one Senior Early Years practitioner, five level 2 practitioners and one apprentice. The team is led by the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCO) At St Edmund’s we celebrate all children and families. We embrace diversity and recognise the rich contribution of each unique child. We believe that children and families need person-centred services which promote full social participation, enabling everybody to maximise their health, well-being and life chances.
Our inclusive provision offers families of children with SEND a range of options to meet their specific support needs. We always try to find a way to engage and support children and families as best we can. Children with SEND are supported by their Key Person, members of the SEND team, teachers, practitioners and where appropriate, external professionals and agencies.To ensure that children with SEND have access to their education and are adequately supported, the staff will undertake extra training to make sure that the needs of the children are met. All children in our provision have individual Record of Achievements that reflects their personal interests, learning and curiosities. Children with SEND also have an Individual Educational Plan (IEP), which uses a small step approach to support their learning. This is reviewed on a regular basis with parents. For all children on EYESP places Educational and Health Care Assessment will be triggered within the first term of their starting Nursery education.

Provision for children with SEND is particularly strong. Carefully planned small-group sessions ensure children receive tailored activities matched to their individual targets. Consequently, children with SEND make similar or better progress than other children. This is because they are well integrated into the school and receive high-quality support from staff who know and understand their needs well. Parents are fully involved in planning and reviewing the progress their children make. One parent stated, ‘The nursery is quite simply amazing at understanding the needs of individual children and their families.’ Our OFSTED inspection report 2019


‘The Specialist Provision provided at St Edmund’s Nursery School is absolutely brilliant. Staff have quickly understood the needs of my child and have been working on helping her develop her skills. My child is able to take part in activities that the mainstream children take part in such as making a Christmas hat, Eid card etc. My child is provided with a variety of learning opportunities from water play to sensory toys. The building itself is accessible and being able to park in the staff car park during drop off and pick up times is incredibly helpful and thoughtful. Opportunities to learn, socialise and eat with others at St Edmund’s has been great for my child. The Nursery is brilliant and I would highly recommend it to parents with children with SEND. Wish I knew about it earlier!’ (Parent, May 2021)


We are happy to announce that St Edmund’s has recently been awarded the ‘Physical Friendly School Award’ and the ‘Portage Stamp of Approval’.





SEN Information Report

Information about how we identify, assess and make provision for pupils with SEN and for the admission of disabled pupils can be found in our SEND Information Report.

Local Offer

The St Edmund's Local Offer for children with special needs and disabilities can be accessed here.

The Bradford Local Offer can be accessed here.

More information about provision for children can be found in our Inclusion Policy and our SEND Policy.

You can also find our Accessibility Plan on the policies web page.

Please contact us on 01274 543282 with any inquiries.