Early Years Hub

As the lead agency for the Bradford Early Years Hub, on behalf of National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) The Bradford Birth to 19:

  • Developed strong links with private and voluntary providers in Bradford and surrounding area.
  • Established a baseline of quality improvement work using ITERS and ECERS environment rating scales.
  • Developed bespoke whole-team training available to settings.

This collaborate working continues, with a range of professional development training.

  • A free training offer to setting teams to support our 50 Things to Do Before You're Five project.
  • We work with Early Education to bring their training to Bradford.
  • We work with the Pen Green Research Base in Corby Northamptonshire to deliver their undergraduate degree programme in Bradford, at St Edmund’s with a Pen Green tutor and a tutor from our school.

Foundation Degree (Arts) Early Childhood & Education

(Integrated Working with Families and Children)


Full details include course content, fees and application form can be found here;



The BA (Hons) is a full time course, completed over one year in study blocks. It is a highly regarded and unique qualification gained through rigorous academic learning combined with substantial work based vocational training.

The programme has been structured to meet the needs of students who are working full time. Offered over one year, teaching is delivered across three study blocks amounting to 12 days in total.   We believe this mode of study enables students to focus fully on their learning during the study blocks, enhancing the overall teaching experience. It reduces regular travel and offers students more flexibility managing their learning than is usually available.

With emphasis on integrated working across education, health and social care, this course also focus on the complexity and challenges of working with families as well as the need to develop leadership capacity at all levels within and across organisations.

The entry requirements for this programme are;

  • A Foundation Degree in Early Years or other related subject
  • A minimum of 2 years’ experience in working with children and families in an early years setting
  • An interview will be carried out which will include a series of discussion points and a written task to ascertain competency in the subject area.

Details of fees, funding, course content and how to apply can be found here;



Contact Andrea Layzell on 01274 543282 or via email at andrea.layzell@stedmundsbradford.org.uk for an informal chat regarding these courses and enquiries relating to bespoke Early Years training.